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Residents Of The Land Of Light

The Ultramen also known as the Residents of the Land of Light are the race responsible for the formation of the Space Garrison and live on Planet Ultra. The beings of lights are known for their great powers and strong sense of compassion and justice which motivates them to protect peace across the universe and between it numerous species.

There are many Ultramen in other universes, each with different origins, some of which are similar while others are completely different. supernatural soldiers, they were once a perfectly normal but highly advanced race of beings resembling Humans, living on a planet located in Nebula M78. One day their sun went out leaving the planet in darkness. Unwilling to give up hope, the planet's greatest scientific minds toiled for an unknown amount of time until they created a solution: an artificial sun called the Plasma Spark. On the day that it was turned on the planet was flooded with light. However there were unexpected side effects, the people of the Land of Light became beings of light themselves as they began to change into strange, giant silver beings that could manipulate energy. The race had a strong sense of justice, believing they were given the power of Ultra for a reason they created the Space Garrison, an organization that enforced freedom and peace throughout the known universe.

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He broke some of the highest and most revered laws of the Ultras and attempted to steal energy from the Plasma Spark for himself. For this crime, which could've destroyed or at least greatly troubled the people of Planet Ultra, the Ultraman was burned by the Plasma Spark itself and exiled by his fellow Ultras. However, many years later he returned as a dark mockery of an Ultra warrior. Fused with Alien Reiblood and wielding the Giga Battlizer, he marched with his hundred monster army on the Land of Light with the intention of destroying everything only to be bested by Ultraman King himself who locked him away forming the Space Prison and sealing his weapon in the Valley of Flames in the Monster Graveyard. Since then the Ultras have known relative peace as they continued their never ending battle against evil.


Basic Characteristics :

Ultramen are beings of light whose natural size is always that of a giant (the average adult is usually between 150 and 200 feet tall). They are usually red and silver (although several color variations have been seen in recent years) with yellow almond-shaped dome eyes (although there are exceptions to both the shape and color) and various abilities, most notably they are able to fire energy beams from various positions of crossed hands. Their primary weakness (in the Showa universe and a few others, this weakness is not absolute for Ultras of other universes) is a limited power supply, meaning that they cannot stay in giant form for long, usually no longer than three to five minutes.

Anatomy: The skin of an Ultra, although it is sometimes used to refer to their actual bodies, its name comes from the fact that it acts like armor as much as it is skin. Each individual Ultra Armor is generally resistant to fire and lasers and unless the wound is a major gash, burn or otherwise very serious they do not show damage. The Ultra Armor is obviously the mechanism that absorbs light so it may be turned turn into energy. In the Showa universe every Ultra Armor was weak to the cold unless they had a direct light source such as a sun, although said Ultras have been seen fighting in the ocean depths without consequence.
  • Inner Workings
Despite what some people think it has been officially stated that the insides of Ultras are not pure energy. Their insides are physical things with bones and organs not unlike humans, however Ultras are an alien species which is much more evolved, meaning their skeletons and organs are different and they posses organs humans do not such as the color timer or beam lamp. It should be noted that injuries of an Ultra translates between their Ultra and Human forms (unless they are joined with a host, but there are exceptions) and several Ultras have been wounded in ways that imply organic inner workings. Besides their physical insides there is also another side to them, Ultras are known as beings of light, they feed on light and when wounded bleed it (Tiga once bled a golden substance as well as golden particles). Their inner light is monitored by their color timer/beam lamp. It seems that Ultras convert the light they absorb into some form of particle energy, an example is Ultraseven. When he was captured by the Guts aliens, he requested the Ultra Garrison supply him with Magnerium (Emerium in the English Dub) energy delivered to him via his beam lamp.
  • Immune Systems
Ultra have shown considerable immunity to diseases and biological weapons.
  • Body Colors and Family Traits
Ultras are usually red and silver or blue and silver in color and have yellow, almond-shaped dome eyes. Ultra's bodies have one or two main colors, while the markings covering their skin are other colors. While a fair amount of Ultras across the multiple continuities have been mainly red, blue Ultras have appeared in later years.
  • Longevity
Ultras have extremely long life spans. Although Zero is more than 5000 Earth years in age, he is considered a teenager by Earth standards. The oldest known Ultra in the Showa continuity is Ultraman King, at over 300,000 years old. Mother of Ultra, Father of Ultra, and Belial are around half his age. Ultraman Noa is more than 350,000 years old. Age apparently plays a role in how powerful an Ultra is.

Form / Type / Mode Change
  • Form / type change : A number of Ultras are able to change the color of their bodies and/or markings, which gives themselves alternate abilities or modifies their physical attributes. This ability was first seen with Ultraman Tiga. Through changing the color of his body, Tiga was able to alter his speed and power attributes to better suit whatever opponent he was facing.
  • Mode change : Although mode change is similar to form change, it can be seen as a temporary upgrade to the Ultra's body and/or powers. One example is Mebius' Burning Brave mode, which enhanced his speed and power. The Version Up in Ultraman Gaia can be seen as a permanent mode change.
The manner in which these changes are invoked is unknown, but fans have theorized that it may be tied to the Ultras' inner light.

Legendary / Super Ultras
  • Legendary Ultras
There are only three confirmed 'legendary' Ultras: Ultraman King, Ultraman Noa, and Ultraman Legend. What makes these three Legendary is not their might (though that does play into their legends), but that they are topics of legends among the Ultras or other races. King predates the people of M78 and may have played a part in their gaining of the power of Ultra, until Ultraman Leo, no modern Ultra had seen him.

Noa is regarded as a god within his home universe because he fought evil all over it, and became known to the Land of Light when he and Zagi crossed over to the Showa universe. Legend and, perhaps to a smaller degree, Justice, is a figure respected by the god-like Delaxion and has a place in the legends of Alien Gyashi.

Super Ultras : Super Ultras are when an Ultra acquires powers that surpass the abilities of normal Ultras. Normally this is when they fuse, or take on the powers of multiple Ultras or beings, but there are some that are naturally at this state of being. As mentioned King, Noa and Legend all showed abilities beyond the limit of normal Ultras, such as stopping a doomsday weapon, or defeating a very powerful opponent (though because it is hard to judge what is or isn't 'Super Ultra level, the category is left for beings that take on the powers of multiple Ultras/beings).

The more common Super Ultras are those that fuse with the power of others. There is Glitter Tiga, who was empowered by the light of the children of the world, and defeated Ultras of Lulu Island, and in Superior 8 Ultra Brothers, by the hope and determination of mankind.Taro and Mebius both fused with other Ultra brothers to easily defeat an enemy, multiple Ultras could not and Legend was born of the fusion of Cosmos and Justice. It is uncertain where Shinning Zero stands, as he is neither a Legendary Ultra, but demonstrated abilities beyond the power of a normal Ultra

Alternate Versions: In this version the Ultra live in the Kingdom of Light, ruled by Ultraman King, from his private planet. In this Universe, the Ultras are less uniform in appearance, with some appearing organic and metallic, robotic, Angelic, similar to a merman, or a centaur. Their planet was destroyed be Belial, who in this version was sealed by King, in the very core of the planet. He destroyed it as he freed himself from his prison, killing many Ultras and scattering debris from the plane across the universe, creating monsters where they land. The abilities of these giants is not so uniform, but for while in general they have the same basic powers, they seem to posses their unique powers (at least those shown) In the manga by Ken Ishikawa, the Ultras have a similar but different nature. In this version, the Ultras visited Earth in its ancient past, teaching primitive apes the basics of civilization. It was revealed that the Ultra Armor were suits the Ultra wore, as one removed their helmet, with their true selves being luminous human like giants. The light they shone transformed the apes into humanity. Taro would later shine this light when gravely injured, freeing mankind from the control of an evil alien. Beyond this and the fact that the Ultras used a flying saucer to get to Earth, there is no difference between them and the canon Ultras.

Space Garrison

Space Garrison
  • Dimentional : Space Garrison
  • Japanese : 宇宙警備隊
  • Known As : Land of Light Security Organization Originating
The Space Garrison is a security organization originating from the Land of Light that seeks universal peace and justice. Its numbers are composed entirely of Ultras. The only known blue Ultra who is part of the Space Garrison is Ultraman Hikari. Thirty thousand years ago, the Land of Light was attacked by Alien Empera and his monster army in what would later be called the Great Ultra War. The most decorated hero of this conflict was Father of Ultra, who dueled and defeated the dark emperor. Father of Ultra, then known as Ultraman Ken, was made the first captain of the Space Garrison. Other Ultras soon joined the organization for the sake of promoting peace in the universe.

Their numbers grew and eventually the organization reached a million members strong. Ken was promoted to the position of Supreme Commander aftre the Great Ultra War and took on the title Father of Ultra. Among the Space Rangers are the Ultra Brothers, many of whom have become a legendary presence on Earth. Ultraman Mebius has stated that prior to the creation of the Space Garrison, Ultras of the Land of Light believed their powers should be used to do good. This implies they enforced justice across space in a less organized fashion.

  • All members of the Space Garrison are refered to as Ultra Crusaders and/or Space Rangers. There are approximately one million Ultra Crusaders.
  • The duties of the Ultra Crusaders include patroling sectors of the universe, battling monsters, accident investigations and rescue operations.
  • Due to their abilities, Ultra beings do not carry fire arms or use vehicles. However, the Ultra Bracelet seems to be a standard weapon, as several rangers have been seen using it.
  • Cadets are trained in the use of beams as well as physical combat.
  • The Silver Cross Corps is the medical division of the garrison. Unlike the other members they are not a combative force and only exist to heal injured and fallen Ultras.
  • There is a branch of the Space Garrison in the Andromeda Galaxy.
Members: Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / ultra.wikia
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