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Justice Society of America

Justice Society of America was an organization of meta-human heroes operating in 1942. According to Nate Heywood, they are the greatest secret force the United States has ever known. As of 1942, the JSA had a training academy in D.C.

Their emergence was an influence to the Dominators' arrival on Earth in 1951 for reconnaissance in order to determine if meta-humans would be considered a threat. The Justice Society of America was formed by the United States as a top secret organization comprised of various individuals with unique abilities ranging from meta-humans to sorcerers, to fight the Nazis during World War II. They would be sent to fight battles that regular soldiers could not and would be regarded as the single greatest fighting force the country had ever known.

Publication Information
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World War II

Original timeline

At some point during 1942 The Justice Society of America, or at least Rex Tyler, encountered a group of time travelers known as the Legends and became a trusted ally. Together they also had frequent encounters with rogue time traveler Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash. After a fatal encounter that saw all the Legends killed except for Mick Rory/Heat Wave at the hands of Reverse-Flash, Hourman discovered the speedster's plan. Following instructions from Heat Wave, Hourman took their ship and traveled to 2016 to stop their initial arrival in 1942.

Cold War

After the second world war concluded, the Justice Society of America, and America overall, lost friendship with the Soviet Union. The Justice Society continued to fight the Iron Curtain over central and eastern Europe. In 1951, due to being comprised primarily of meta-humans, the actions of the Justice Society of America drew the attention of the "Dominators" a race of extraterrestrials who feared meta-humans as a threat to their own kind. They visited Earth and began abducting and experimenting on people to see into their memories, and deduce if indeed meta-humans were indeed a threat.

Post-Cold War

Growing up Dr. Nate Heywood would hear bedtime stories of the JSA's actions from his father, including his grandfather Henry Heywood/Commander Steel, who became one of his idols. Nate became quite knowledgeable of their activities after studying government leaks and recorded eyewitnesses accounts, as well as information from his father's stories of his own father's actions during the war. Nate would use this knowledge while a member of the Legends.

Spear of Destiny

Dr. Mid-Nite was sent to Chicago in 3000 A.D. where he worked as a researcher for cybernetic implants. He was even able to use the advanced healing technology of the time to restore his vision. He was found by Rip Hunter who had been turned evil by the Legion of Doom. At first, Rip pretended to seek out the fragments per a claim that a sinister group was after it. Dr. Mid-Nite insisted that the spear was safer apart and in pieces though Rip said that the Vanishing point would be best though was caught in his lie as he had before claimed the Time Masters couldn't be trusted.

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National Security Agency (NSA)

National Security Agency (NSA)

Publication Information
  • Legends : National Security Agency
  • Multiverse : Earth One
  • Version : The Legends Series
  • Known as : Government organization
  • Base : United States
  • Led by :
  • Function : Signals intelligence (SIGINT)
  • Season : DC's Legends of Tomorrow
The National Security Agency is an intelligence organization of the United States government, responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes, a discipline known as signals intelligence (SIGINT).

Current members
  • Smith
Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / arrow.wikia
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