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Linto Tribe

Publication Information

The were a tribe of humans who lived in the early era of civilization, they are the ancestors of modern day humans. They used the Ancient Hieroglyphics. They were attacked by a tribe known as the Gurongi, who transformed into monstrous beings after finding a magical stone from the heavens and used it to wage war on the other tribes.

Being a peaceful tribe, the Linto never had a need for warriors. In fear of their tribe being eradicated by the Gurongi, the village shamans sought the help of the Lords, who helped them by selecting Riku to become their tribe's defender, Kuuga. Although the Linto's champion defeated the Gurongi, having sealed all 200 of them away, the Linto's lives were changed. Humans became as aggressive as the Gurongi and sought things to satisfy their desires.


Linto Hieroglyphics

Linto Hieroglyphics

Linto Hieroglyphics is the language used by the Linto.They usually look square-like in shape. These glyphs can be seen carved on the monument at Kurougatake Ruins, Riku's Sarcophagus, on Kuuga's body and the Gouram's armor, and in Opening and Closing Screens of the series.

Unidentified Life Forms

Unidentified Life Forms : Gurongi

Unidentified Life Forms (also known as "Unidentified Creatures") is a classification system used by the Police to refer to the Gurongi, which also included Kuuga. Those seen to assume human form are labeled as "B".

Unidentified Life Forms:

  • "Unidentified Life Form #0" : N-Daguva-Zeba (Imperfect Form)
  • "Unidentified Life Form #1" : Zu-Gumun-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #2" : Kuuga Growing Form
  • "Unidentified Life Form #3" and "B2" : Zu-Gooma-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form #4" : Kuuga Mighty Form
  • "Unidentified Life Form #5" : Zu-Mebio-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #6" and "B5" : Zu-Baduu-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #7" : Zu-Gujiru-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #8" : Zu-Garuga-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #9" : Zu-Miuji-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #10" : Zu-Gazubo-De
  • "Unidentified Life Form #11" : Zu-Daago-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #12A" : Zu-Nezuma-Da
    • "#12B" : Zu-Nezumo-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #13" : Zu-Jamoru-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form #14" : Me-Badjisu-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #15" : Me-Agon-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #16" : Me-Aguri-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #17" : Me-Ibae-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #18" : Me-Gaage-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form #19" : Me-Mugado-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #20" : Me-Gorigi-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #21" : Me-Giiga-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #22" and "B3" : Zu-Zain-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #23" and "B7" : Me-Biran-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #24" : Me-Gyarido-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #25" : Me-Gadora-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #26A" : Me-Ginoga-De
    • "#26B" : Me-Ginoga-De (Mutant)
  • "Unidentified Life Form #27" : Me-Gaera-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form #28" : Me-Zoebi-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #29" : Me-Uzaa-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #30" : Me-Demudo-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #31" and "B4" : Me-Garume-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form #32" : Me-Ginee-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #33" : Me-Gegura-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #34" : Me-Gaberi-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form #35" : Me-Juuma-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #36" and "B6" : Me-Garima-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #37" : Go-Buuro-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form #38" : Go-Bemiu-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #39" : Go-Gamego-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form #40" : Go-Jiino-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #41" and "B8" : Go-Badaa-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #42" : Go-Jaraji-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #43" : Go-Zazaru-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #44" and "B10" : Go-Jaaza-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #45" and "B12" : Go-Baberu-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #46" and "B11" : Go-Gadoru-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #47" and "B9" : Ra-Dorudo-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form B1" : Ra-Baruba-De
  • "Unidentified Life Form B1" : Ra-Baruba-De
  • "Unidentified Life Form B2" : Zu-Gooma-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form B3" : Zu-Zain-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form B4" : Me-Garume-Re
  • "Unidentified Life Form B5" : Zu-Baduu-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form B6" : Me-Garima-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form B7" : Me-Biran-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form B8" : Go-Badaa-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form B9" : Ra-Dorudo-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form B10" : Go-Jaaza-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form B11" : Go-Gadoru-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form B12" : Go-Baberu-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form B13" : N-Daguva-Zeba
  • "Unidentified Life Form B14" : Nu-Zajio-Re

In Kamen Rider Agito, the Lords are referred by the police department as Unknown, to differ them from the Unidentified Lifeforms (Gurongi Tribe) that attacked humanity two years ago. Unlike the Gurongi, the Lords are not given individual designations to distinguish them apart.

A.R. Worlds

In the A.R. World of Kuuga, as well as the World of Agito, the Gurongi are still refered to as Unidentified Life Forms, but individual Gurongi have different numbers on the list having appeared at a different point than the prime reality.

World of Kuuga
  • "Unidentified Life Form #4" : Kamen Rider Kuuga
  • "Unidentified Life Form #7" : Me-Gyarido-Gi
  • "Unidentified Life Form #8" : Ra-Dorudo-Gu
  • "Unidentified Life Form #9" : Go-Baberu-Da
  • "Unidentified Lifeform #10" : Kamen Rider Decade (Mistaken by Ai Yashiro)
World of Agito
  • "Unidentified Life Form #47" : Me-Bajisu-Ba
  • "Unidentified Life Form #48" : Zu-Mebio-Da
  • "Unidentified Life Form #49" : Me-Ginoga-De
Related Post : Source : wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia
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