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Baron Orgs

Publication Information
  • Tribe : Baron Orgs
  • Type : Spirit (Series)
  • Homeworld : Underground
  • Transforming : Any Form
  • Appeareance : Most all Sentai Series
An Org Spirit can acquire a physical form by fusing into an inanimate object, transforming into a creature based on the object and can assume its original form for disguise. The Orgs of modern day that are multi-horned desire to become Duke Orgs themselves, usually accepting the offer a Duke Org gives them in return for their own desires coming true. Whenever an Org is killed, TsueTsue would wield her staff at the oozy remnants, chanting as the Org Seeds spit out of the staff and onto the puddle, recreating the Org as a giant.
  • Turbine Org : Turbine Org was capable of generating strong gusts of wind from his eyes. The first Org encountered in the series, he was pursued by the Gaoranger until he was aided by Plugma Org. The duo's attack on an electric dam ended badly when Plugma was killed, but Turbine receives aid from the Duke Orgs by being enlarged. He is killed by the combined energy breams of the five Totem Power Animals. Briefly revived in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, Turbine Org was killed for good by Big One's Big One Finish.
  • Plugma Org : Able to generate electric current, Plugma Org appeared to aid Turbine Org in fighting off the Gaoranger before Gao Red was found. He is the first to be killed by the Hyakujuuken. Briefly revived in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was killed for good by MegaPink's Capture Sniper.
  • Barbwire Org : The result of an Org Spirit entering barbed wire, Barbwire Org terrorized people until the Dukes Orgs found him, offering him aid in his destructive urges. Kakeru attempted to try a less violent-method to deal with the Org, only to learn that Orgs have no hearts. Barbwire overpowered the Gaoranger until they use Hyakujuuken to kill him. But he was quickly revived by TsueTsue into a giant and is the first to be killed by Gao King's Animal Heart.
  • Camera Org : The result of an Org Spirit acquiring a camera, any picture Camera Org took caused the photographed person to turn invisible and die over time, their life force sucked into his film. Gaku attempts to fight the Org on his own, but the Dukes intervenes and helped Camera Org take Gao -Yellow's picture. He is later upgraded by Shuten to take pictures on his own as he hunts after the other Gaorangers until Gao Red gets take the film of the Org, restoring his victims to normal. Gao Yellow arrives and shatters the Org's camera lens, making him unable to take pictures as Gao Red uses Gao Mane Blaster to weaken the Org before the gang uses the Hyakujuuken to destroy him. TsueTsue revives the Org into a giant, with Gao King's Animal Heart used at close-range to kill Camera Org.
  • Shrine Bell Org : The result of an Org Spirit acquiring a temple bell at the Laiwen Shrine, Shrine-Bell Org enjoys the sound of banging himself with his mallet and is able to trap anyone inside the large bells he creates. He was soon found by the Org Dukes, whom he follows so his sound can be heard globally in return for guarding the temple grounds. Shrine-Bell Org managed to trap Kai in his giant bell until Soutarou frees him. Shrine-Bell Org is then defeated by Gao Blue and Gao Black before being killed by the Hyakujuuken and then revived into a giant. Shrine-Bell Org attempts to trap Gao King in his bell, but was trapped instead and killed by Gao King's Animal Heart.
  • Tire Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a tire, Tire Org loves traveling and can turn into a giant tire. He was causing massive traffic damage until the Org Dukes gave him the offer to travel the world if he helps them, abducting Tetomu in the process. Though destroyed by Gao Red's Gao Mane Buster, TsueTsue revives Tire Org, who is the first to be killed by Gao King Sword & Shield. Tire Org is briefly revived in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was killed for good by Super Armor Shine GingaBlue's Rapids Stroke.
  • Wedding Dress Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a wedding dress, Wedding Dress Org was stealing brides and turning them into wedding mannequins as his base with the aid of Saori Shimada in return of giving her youth. This infuriated Soutarou, who knocked the Org out from his hideout as the others arrived and Duke Orgs offer aid. Wedding-Dress is destroyed by Hyakujuuken with his weapon taken by Gao Black. TsueTsue enlarges Wedding-Dress Org, who battles Gao King and is destroyed by Gao King Sword & Shield's Evil Crasher with his victims restored. Wedding Dress briefly revived as a phantom illusion in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was destroyed by Gao Red's Gao Mane Buster.
  • Boat Org : An Org Spirit from the sea finding a sunken boat, the armoured Boat Org was intercepted by the Gaorangers, but escapes underwater after wounding Gao Blue. Gao Blue battles the Org the next day until the other Gaorangers arrive, but in spite of the Duke Orgs' aid, Boat Org attacks Gaoranger and Orgette alike. Gao Blue manages to use the crane to get the bottle on the monster's shoulder before the gang kills him with the Hyakujuuken. TsueTsue revives Boat Org, who overpowers Gao King Sword & Shield. It was by Gao Giraffe's arrival that Boat Org was the first to be killed by Gao King Spear. Briefly revived as a phantom in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was killed for good by Gao Red's Gao Mane Buster.
  • Signal Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a signal light in Higahiku, Signal Org can use three beam attacks: Green for memory-erasing, Yellow for slow-mo, and Red for explosive attacks. Signal Org was causing traffic accidents until he blew his cover in front of Kakeru and Sae and ran for it, until the Org wipes out Kakeru's memory. In spite of memory loss, Gao Red managed to wound Signal Org using the Hyakujuuken on his own before killing the Org, restoring his memory as a result. TsueTsue then revives Signal Org, who is destroyed by Gao King Spear. Briefly revived in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was killed for good by GoYellow's V-Slash.
  • Cell Phone Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a cell phone, Cell Phone Org can use his Super Electro-Magnetic Wave to negate even the G-Phones, which he wanted. The Gaorangers were unable to change until they managed to destroy his antenna and cancel the field. Though killed with the Hyakujuuken, TsueTsue revives Cell Phone Org, who was destroyed by Gao King Double Knuckle. Briefly revived as a phantom in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, but was killed for good by Gao Red's Gao Mane Buster.
  • Bulldozer Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a bulldozer, Bulldozer Org possessed great physical strength and a strong liking for deforestation, wandering aimlessly through the Sacred Forest until the Dukes ran into him by accident. Deciding to use him, TsueTsue enlarged Bulldozer Org to attack the Gaorangers while they were looking for the Kage Mushroom to heal Gao Lion. Bulldozer Org manages to overpower the Power Animals until Gao Gorilla arrives and manhandles the Org. Bulldozer Org is then the first to be killed by Gao Muscle. The Org was briefly revived in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai, only to be killed for good by Red Falcon's Falcon Break.
  • Samurai Doll Org : As a result of Shuten transferring the Dukes' powers into a samurai doll, SamuraiDoll Org is stronger than previous Orgs with a knowledge in the fighting arts, using his Orgken katana for his "Full Moon Cut" attack and a pistol. The Gaorangers were overpowered by him, but Gao White refused to give up and defeats SamuraiDoll Org with her Byakko Cross Cut before the team kills him with Hyakuujuuken. But TsueTsue revives the Org, who overpowers Gao Muscle until Gao Tiger intervenes, with Gao Muscle defeating SamuraiDoll Org as he came to respect the Gaorangers as true warriors.
  • Copy Org : A Org Spirit entering the copy machine, Copy Org is able to assume the forms of other people with his scanner. Though Shuten saw him useless, he decided to have the Org aid the Dukes. There, Copy Org completely overwhelms the Gaorangers with his shape-shifting powers while attempting to smash the Gao Egg. Once the Gaorangers assume their fighting forms, Copy Org creates the Copy Sentai Copyranger to help him fight. Once his creations were destroyed, Copy Org was destroyed by Hyakujuuken. But Copy Org is revived a giant and overpowered Gao Muscle until Gao Elephant and Gao Giraffe came to the rescue, allowing Gao Muscle to destroy the Org.
  • Freezer Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a freezer, Freezer Org was found by the Duke Orgs, bringing him to aid Shuten in fighting the Gaorangers with his freezing attacks. He was overwhelmed by Gao Red, Gao Black, and Gao Blue before being destroyed by the Gao Mane Blaster. At Shuten's order, TsueTsue revives Freezer Org into a giant. Gao Muscle battles Freezer Org, with the Org enduring Muscle Lariat thanks to Shuten transferring a bit of his power to him. With the new-found power, Freezer Org grappled Gao Muscle and sacrifices himself to place the giant into a deep freeze as part of Shuten's master plan to wipeout the Gao Soul.
  • Vacuum : He was recruited by TsueTsue and Yabaiba to suck in lovely things they wanted to give to Ura. The Gaorangers intercept them at Sadogashima, but the Orgs were too busy with their gold to actually fight. But by the time the Gaorangers find them at the Fine Arts Museum, the Vacuum Cleaner Org was forced to fight with his various attachment-weapons before being killed by Hyakujuuken. TsueTsue revives Cleaner Org, only for him to be destroyed by Gao King Sword & Shield.
  • Bus Org : Acquiring a tour bus as his vessel, TsueTsue and Yabaiba enlisted Bus Org to help them capture Gao Jewels by setting up news on Gao Elephant's whereabouts as bait. Once at the hill, the Org assumes his true form after the passengers got out of him. Though Gao Blue managed to mortally wound him, Bus Org was quickly revitalized by the evil spirits on the hill. With Gao White's aid, Gao Blue managed to wound Bus Org with Surging Thrust before the others arrive to use Hyakujuuken to finish the Org off. TsueTsue quickly revived Bus Org, who is destroyed by Gao King's Super Animal Heart.
  • Clock Org : A wandering nobody who acquired a longcase clock, Clock Org is able to stop/alter time around him. Rouki recruits Clock Org at Chenho Lake to handle the other Gaorangers while Rouki duels Gao Red. Once the team managed to destroy the cuckoo on the Org's forehead, they returned to normal time and the Gaorangers use Hyakujuuken to destroy Clock Org. But Rouki revives Clock Org, supporting the Org in Gao Hunter Evil until Gao King destroys the Org.
  • Glasses Org : Acquiring a pair of glasses, Glasses Org can possess the women's bodies. TsueTsue and Yabaiba enlist Glasses Org by having her possess Shichan and use her to get to Soutarou, tricking him into giving the Dukes his Gao Jewel before forcing him to fight the other Gaorangers. But Shichan regains control at the last second and removes the glasses, forcing Glasses Org to fight the other Gaorangers herself until she is destroyed by the Gao Mane Blaster. TsueTsue revives Glasses Org who overpowers the Power Animals until Gao Black regains his Gao Jewel and Gao Bison manages to destroy the Org's barrier, allowing Gao King to destroy her with Surging Arrow.
  • Bike Org : The first Org Gao Yellow fought, the Org was originally called Scooter Org, who was sealed after Gaku was unable to kill him in his first mission. A year later, Rouki found the released the Org, who had evolved into a stronger version. Seeing Bike Org as a kindred spirit, Rouki recruits him to his cause. While Bike Org attacks Gao Yellow, Rouki handled the other Gaorangers. In the end, Bike Org was wounded by Gao Yellow's Noble Slash before being killed by Hyakujuuken. Though Rouki revived him, Bike Org was destroyed by Gao Muscle.
  • Human Body Specimen Org : Though a loser Org who acquired a skeleton, TsueTsue decide to use him in a scheme to win Ura's favor by setting up a haunted house to lure the Gaorangers into their trap. But the Gaorangers' turn the tables on the Orgs, resulting in a fight between the two present groups until Rouki arrives to kill the Gaorangers himself, with Rouki wounding Human Specimen Org and forcing the Orgs to retreat. Though Yabaiba was attempted, TsueTsue reasons him that the Org deserves another chance, which ended with the Org killed by the Hyakujuuken and then by Gao King.
  • Lawnmower Org : As a result of an Org Spirit acquiring a lawnmower, Lawnmower Org can disguise himself as a riding lawnmower and takes pride in his soccer field lawn. During his fight with the Gaorangers, he was wounded by Rouki before being killed by the Gaorangers' Hyakujuuken, only to be resurrected and he destroyed by Gao King after he managed to do serious damage to Gao Bison during the battle.
  • Chimera Org : Created by Ura from a mud puppet infused with the Gao Jewels he obtained. Chimera Org is made up of the traits from these four Power Animals. Intend on modifying his creation with the other Gao Jewels, Ura sent Chimera Org at the Gaorangers, with it able to withstand the Hyakujuuken. Shirogane attempted to fight the Org until his Power Animals return to him and allow Shirogane to transform into Gao Silver and killed the Org with his "Evil-Crushing Seijuu Orbs" attack. TsueTsue revives Chimera Org, who is then destroyed by Gao King Striker and Gao Hunter Justice .
  • Karaoke Org : As a result of Onihime having an Org Spirit acquiring a karaoke machine, Karaoke Org can steal people's speaking abilities and replace them with cat sounds. Yabaiba used him hoping to gain a promotion from Onihime, unaware that she was actually TsueTsue. The Org can use his Speaker Attack, emitting crushing sound waves and attack with CD in his Laser-Disc Cutter attack. The Org overwhelm the Gaorangers with his ability until Gao Silver arrives destroys him with his "Full-Moon", restoring the others. Once TsueTsue returned to normal, she revived Karaoke Org, who is then destroyed by Gao King Striker and Gao Hunter Justice.
  • Thousand-Year Evil Orgs : Orgs Ura powers using the Thousand-Year Evil of Rouki.

    • Vase Org : Created by Ura from a mud puppet infused with the Thousand-Year Evil, Vase Org could suck anything he marks with seal paper into his vase. Taking advantage of Gao Hunter Justice and Gao King's sparing, Vase Org seal Gao King and Gao Hunter Justice into his vase. Once healed after his first fight, Vase Org attacks the Oyu district and battles the Gaorangers, destroyed by the Hyakujuuken. TsueTsue revives the Org, only from him to be destroyed by Gao Muscle Striker.
    • Bowling Org :Created by Ura from a mud puppet infused with the Thousand-Year Evil, Bowling Org was sent to "bowl" the city down with his Striker Ball until the Gaorangers intervene. The Org proves tough enough that Kai master the Tornado Spin bowling technique to counter the Org's attacks, weakening the Orb for the Gaorangers to use their signature attacks TsueTsue revives Bowling Org, who overpowers Gao King and Gao Hunter Justice. He was then destroyed by Gao King Another Arm with its Tornado Gao Madillo Spin attack.
    • Tombstone Org :As a result of Ura infusing the tombstone he made for the Gaorangers with the Thousand-Year Evil, Tombstone Org possessed a harden body. Though easily defeated by Gao Mane Buster, TsueTsue revives Tombstone Org, who manages to damage Gao King Another Arm-Spear. But Gao Deers arrive and entraps Tombstone Org with its effect. But the Org breaks lose and it overpowers Gao Muscle Striker until he is fatally wounded in battle, with the Thousand-Year Evil manifesting. But once Gao Deers arrives to heal the Power Animals, Gao King Cross Horn traps Tombstone Org with Bubble Capture as he dies, keeping the evil that created him trapped inside.

  • Blacksmith Org : A Org Spirit acquiring various blacksmith materials, Blacksmith Org raided Tsubakuro[disambiguation needed] City for ideal metal to create tableware for Rasetsu. Gao White attempts to fight him, but she loses and he takes her Juuou Sword as its density was the perfect material. He also steals Juuou Swords of Gao Yellow, Gao Blue, and Gao Black with the Dukes' help. With Futaro's help, Sae managed to find the Org's hideout too late. Assuming fighting form, Gao White battles the Org until Gao Red and the others arrive. The Gaorangers managed to kill the Org with Hyakujuuken and then with Gao Icarus (after it overwhelmed Gao Hunter Justice), restoring the Juuou Swords to normal.
  • Magic-Flute Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a flute, its body was shaped like an ocarina. Magic-Flute Org was able to breakup Tetomu and Shirogane. Finding it lovely, Rasetsu sends the Dukes to find him for dining entertainment. During that time, Magic-Flute uses his power to cause kids to dance uncontrollably until the Gaorangers interfere. The Dukes manage to save him, bringing him to Rasetsu who enhances him with the Dukes' energy, allowing him to control adults. He managed to force the Gaorangers to dance until Tetomu and Shirogane momentarily negate the Org's music with their own until an infuriated Rasetsu attacked them, but Gao Deers arrives to fully break the spell. Though killed by the Gaorangers' Hyakujuuken, TsueTsue revives Magic-Flute Org, who uses his music to drown out Juuou Swords' call until Gao God emerges and destroyed the Org's flute with his arrow, allowing Gao Icarus to be summoned and kill Magic-Flute Org.
  • Juggling Org : The younger brother of Yabaiba, whose aid he enlists to gain praise from Rasetsu, forming Team Circus. They make a few vain attempts to attack Kai, Gaku, and Futaro at an amusement park in the guise of mascots until they capture Futaro. Gao Blue and Gao Yellow are forced to take a beating until the others arrive and save Futaro. Though killed by Hyakujuuken, Yabaiba uses TsueTsue's staff to revive his brother, who has a hard time fighting Gao King on his own until Yabaiba uses the Org Seeds to aid Juggling Org. But Gao Hunter Justice arrives in time, wounding Juggling Org for Gao King to finish off.
  • Animal Tamer Org : A Org who refers to himself as a master beast tamer, recruited by the Duke Orgs at northern Kanto for his abilities, so Yabaiba can avenge his brother's death. Once force-fed Org Seeds, he succeeds in taking control of Gao King, Gao Muscle Striker, Gao Elephant and Gao Giraffe, with Gao Hunter Justice immune. Futaro arrived in time to free Gao King Sword & Shield and Gao Muscle Striker from Animal Tamer Org's control, who uses their attacks to destroy his control whip. The Gaorangers than summon Gao Icarus to finish the Org off.
  • Monitor Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a monitor and various pieces of garbage, Monitor Org was able to trap people in any monitor as part of Rasetsu's plan to ally Futaro. Learning the Org's weakness is his remote control hand, Gao Silver and Gao Red cripple the Org before killing him with their trademark attacks, freeing everyone he captured. TsueTsue revives the Org, who Gao King destroys. But a piece of Monitor Org attaches to Gao King, giving Rasetsu control in order to force Futaro to reveal himself as Gao God, who uses his Power Arrow to destroy the control device.
  • Tinplate Org : An Org Spirit acquiring a toy robot, Tinplate Org can shoot fire from its hands or use its toy-themed weapons. It attacked a factory as part of Rasetsu's part to kill the Gaorangers while the Power Animals were taken by Gao God, while proving Gao God's assumptions. But the plan backfired and the Gaorangers refuse to give up. Once Gao Silver arrived, the tables turned as Tinplate Org is destroyed with the evil-Crushing Seijuu Orbs attack. Though TsueTsue revives Tinplate Org, Gao Hunter Justice assumes Moon Blue form to battle the Org, destroying it with Gao God's help.
  • Kurushimemas Org : The greatest actor among the Org, Rasetsu enlisted him in a plan to turn children into his favorite drink, Dream Juice. To accomplish that, Kurushimemas Org assumes the guise of Christmas Org, giving presents to children as a sign of good will, but actually giving them the stockings that would trap the children to begin the process. Furthermore, he tricked Kakeru into thinking the Orgs are tired of fighting. As a result, Kakeru befriends the Org by giving him his G-Phone. Once the trap is sprung, Kurushimemas Org assumes his true form and attacks the other Gaorangers until Kakeru manages to break free before using the Hyakujuuken with extreme prejudice on the Org. TsueTsue revives Kurushimemas Org, who died at the hands of Gao Icarus in spite of aiding Rasetsu in his master plan.
  • New Year's Org : A strange Org Yabaiba encounters two weeks after Rasetsu's death. Though he saw the Org too useless to help him, he decided to use the Org to protect the location of the Matrix. Killed by Gao Muscle and Gao Hunter Justice.
  • Steam Engine Org : An Org that was created near a train station at Sakitomo and was the strongest Org, overpowering the Gaorangers as he withstood their attacks without breaking a sweat. At the last second, Yabaiba attacks Steam Engine Org and holds him for the Hyakujuuken to kill him. Getting the energy he needed, Yabaiba revives Steam Engine Org who wanted to kill him when the Power Animals arrive to fight. But like before, Steam Engine Org proves too powerful and cripples most of the Power Animals in the process. The remaining Powers Animals combine into Gao Icarus Another Foot & Arm, who succeed in killing Steam Engine Org with Icarus Breaker.
See also: Related Post : Source : Wikipedia / kamenrider.wikia / powerrangers.wikia
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