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Nonmalt People

Nonmalt (Undersea Hominid, Earth Hominid) is a fictional humanoid species from the Ultra series, they first appeared 1967 tokusatsu TV series, Ultraseven in Episode 42.



Civilians that forced to live underwater by human ancestors sought revenge for thousands of years, lying beneath the sea in their own city. In the modern era, they finally struck by destroying two large ships and sending Guyros to attack the third.

Later that day Nonmalts used Gloria a nuclear submarine that they stole from the United Kingdom sometime ago to attack a local harbour town and opened fire with Guyros to assist them.

However, the Ultra Garrison forced the submarine to dive under the water. With Guyros battling Ultraseven, Nonmalts had very little hope as they were soon finished by the TDF HR1 with their city shortly after.

Data Heisei Ultraseven

A female Nonmalt appeared in the series Ultraseven - I Am an Earthling. Nonmalt appears as a human woman, representing her species she declared to the space-faring civilizations that modern humanity had destroyed her race. To prove that mankind was not the savage race most of the universe perceived them to be they had to release the Omega Files, a collection of information taken from the destroyed remains of the Nonmalt city which also held some of the secrets of the Universe waiting to be decrypted. Nonmalt appeared to Dan/Kazimori explaining her situation.

Despite her seemingly just cause her desires were no different from that of most invaders, her goal was to wipe out humanity so her brethren who had long escaped to another world could claim the Earth after humanity was destroyed. To this end she led Kazimori into a trap were the now Xenophobic humans would capture him and sent Zabangi to destroy the satellites dishes transmitting the Omega Files.

The humans' failure to release the file would make her slaughter of them legal in the eyes of the Space Faring civilizations. However her plan was spoiled when Seven's allies in the Ultra Garrison freed him. Despite her threats that the Omega Files release would show him as a mass murderer for failing to stop the Nonmalt genocide carried out by the original Ultra Garrison, Seven still transformed and stopped her monster.

Powers and Weapons
  • Laser Pistol : Nonmalt has a pistol that shoots lasers.
  • Guyros : Nonmalt can command this monster
  • Gloria : A nuclear submarine stolen from United Kingdom, this were utilized by Nonmalt for attacking ships and bases underneath the sea floor. The submarine was armed with dozens of rotary cannons that are able to destroy a small town.
Heisei Ultraseven
  • Human Disguise : Nonmalt can disguise themselves as humans though they mostly refused to use this.
  • Zabangi : Nonmalt can command this monster for their liking.
Related Post : Source : wikipedia
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