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Although the exact reason for this is unknown, it is suggested that it has to do with the fact the each would face the Space Beast menace regardless of the cost to themselves. All save the First Deunamist Maki Shunichi used the wand like device called the Evolthruster, to transform. The Deunamists are humans who can bond with the light to become Ultraman Nexus.

Maki Shunichi : The first Deunamist ( Ultraman The Next ).

Jun Himeya : The second Deunamist, the first being Maki.

Ren Senjyu : The third Deunamist, Ren received the Light after the disappearance of Himeya.

Nagi Saijo : The Fourth Deunamist, who held the power for the shortest amount of time in the series.

Kazuki Komon

Kazuki Komon : The Fifth and Last Deunamisti. In that final battle he accessed all three forms of Ultraman Nexus and ascended to Ultraman Nexus 'true form Ultraman Noa.

The first Deunamist

Before Nexus, before Himeya, before Faust or Mephisto there was another who wielded the light of Noa in a different fashion. He was the first Deunamist Maki Shunichi, who slayed the first Space Beast The One, his ultra form was known as Ultraman The Next

Lost Deunamists

Besides those that merged with Ultraman, there are the casualties of the battle between Light and Darkness, who were corrupted by the dark side to host Dark Ultras. Although they never merged with Nexus or Next, it was implied that they were also possible vessels for Noa's power, but that they never got the chance to shine in the light.
  • Riko Saida : Komon's girlfriend, the unwilling host of Dark Faust.

  • Shinya Mizorogi : Former deputy captain of the Night Raiders, Nagi's former love interest and mentor was corrupted to host Dark Mephisto.

  • Hiroyuki Misawa : A member of the Memory Police that fell under control of Zagi to host Dark Mephisto Zwei. He had the same powers as first Dark Mephisto and only differs in eye color with Zwei's being red instead of black.

  • Mitsuhiko Ishibori : Although not a Deunamist, he was still the host/human identity of a dark Ultra. The analyst of the Night Raiders, he was showed at the end to be the human identity of the master of darkness.
Deunamist Abilities

All chosen wielders of Noa's light wield both the EvolThruster to transform and the Blast Shot as a weapon, the channel Nexus' power in human form. Besides these they also inherit the similar abilities that the first Deunamist Shunichi Maki gained during his merger with Nexus prior form. All Deunamists wield the following abilities:
  • Super strength : Each Deunamist possesses greater strength than a normal person.
  • Superhuman Durability : Each Deunamist possesses greater durability and Endurance than a normal person. They are able to endure pain and injuries better than a normal person.
  • Extraordinary Agility and Reflexes : Himeya Jun has made a jumps of around ten feet into the air during which he sailed across a short distance. He has also fought on even terms with Mizorogi Shinya the Deunamist that was host to Dark Mephisto. Shinya was a Night Raider trained in combat and yet Jun could counter his attacks, also both men had shown remarkable reflexes in dodging and erecting barriers to block energy bullets.
  • ESP : Each Deunamist possesses Extra-Sensory-Perception, allowing them to see events faraway in real time. They also have telepathic abilities.
Evolthruster the transformation device of all Deunamists, it can be used for more than just transforming into Ultraman Nexus.
  • Shield : Nexus' human host can raise a shield with the Evolthruster.
  • Astral Projection : Nexus' human host can project an astral projection of their Ultra form, this projection can create a Meta-field.
  • Meta-Field : Nexus' human host can project a Meta-field with the Evolthruster, doing so would cause them to skip Anphans mode and go directly into their secondary form
  • Presence Detection : Its most important ability, Nexus himself can sense when Space beasts go active, telepathically alerting his host through the device. When he detects them the light on the EvolThruster flashes.
Blast Shot Nexus' human host holds a gun along with the Evolthruster. It has numerous functions.
  • Vacuum Shockwave : Like any gun its purpose is to shoot things, it fires energy blasts that outclass the weaponry used by TLT.
  • Shields : A shot can be used to raise shields at a distance and dissolve Dark Ultra shields.
  • Charged Shot : Charged up like a shot gun, the blast can vaporize a small Space Beast in one hit.
  • Excorsicm : A special yellow shot can be used to remove pieces of Space Beasts or illusions from a human, safely freeing them from dark powers.
  • Summon : Raised to the sky it will act like a flare gun to summon Stone Fluegel, Nexus' spacecraft, where the Deunamists can heal their wounds.
Profile, Techniques and Forms

It should be noted that when the Deunamist (the human host of Nexus) transforms, they themselves physically become the Ultra, thus injuries will translate between forms as Nexus himself simply exists as the power they wield, a light which is passed on to the next Deunamist when the time comes.

  • Height : 49 meters
  • Weight : 40,000 tons
  • Age : Over 350,000 years old
Body Features
  • Nexus' Eyes : Nexus has perfect night vision, he is able to see properly in darkness of the Dark Field and at night. His eyes can also see through materials and into beings, he can also analyse substances by sight, such as how he knew Rayflare was explosive before the Night Raiders or CIC.
  • Head Fin : The fin on the back of Nexus' head, covering his neck, despite what most would think, it is not armor, not intentionally. It is the Ultra equivalent of having long hair.
  • Armed Nexus : The bracers on Nexus' arms, they are evolved forms of the Stratos Edge blades on The Next's arms and can perform many of the same abilities. They are the key to Nexus' energy attacks such as the Phase Feather and Cross-Ray Storm. In his Junis forms he uses them to erect the Meta-Field. The Armed Nexus are also the means by which the Junis forms are usually accessed. They can also be used to dissipate beams.
  • Arrow Armed Nexus : Appearing only on Junis Blue, it is the modified right Armed Nexus used for the Sword Storm, Arrow-Ray Storm and Over-Arrow-Ray Storm
  • Energy Core : Nexus' equivalent to a color timer, it flashes when Nexus is weakened or injured.
  • Warning Light(Name Unknown) : In Junis and Junis Blue mode a crystal appears on top of the Energy Core to fulfill the functions of a color timer. It exists to measure the three minute rule of using the Meta-Field .
  • Ultra Armor : Nexus' skin is resistant to lasers and fire so long as the Deunamist's strength is sufficient.
  • Evolution : As Nexus fought increasingly more powerful opponents his power increased ultimately resulting in new forms such as Junis and Junis Blue and finally his Ultimate Form.
Forms and abilities

Several chosen ones, Deunamsits, have transformed into Nexus but all used the same actions to do so. They first draw the EvolThruster from it's sheath and then extends it into the air and it shines.

From an outsider's point of view the Deunamist disappears into the light which may disappear to show Ultraman, grow larger and reveal Ultraman as a giant, or become Flash Travel.

The rise scene showed a black screen while there is suddenly a ball of blue light which bursts open revealing Nexus who grows and the light turns into orange and yellow colors that fly towards the screen.

  • Nexus was originally thought up to be the opposite of Ultraman Cosmos. While Cosmos showcased Ultraman's 'kindness' and held the theme that 'if you believe it will come true', Nexus was meant to showcase Ultraman's strength and that in life one has to and can overcome challenges.
  • During Nexus' early planning stage he was originally called Ultraman Cross. The name is inspired by the concept of bonds still present in the show and before the planned series was linked to Ultraman Next.
  • When Nexus was going to be called Cross the series was not originally intended to be connected to Ultraman the Next's Universe.
  • While Noa is indeed his original and true form, the ruins imply that whenever he merged with another being the form they took on upon transforming was that of Nexus.
  • All of the names of Nexus' form parallel a person's growth from childhood to adulthood. Starting with Anphans which ultimately means childhood, to Junis which equates to youth to Noa whose name derives from 'Nostalgia which ultimately means to look back at one's life usually their youth and childhood, meaning that Noa represents the adult stage. These also parallel Komon's mental and spiritual growth during the series.
  • Of all the Ultras in the Ultra Series Nexus/Noa holds the record for most hosts, four of whom are human, three intended but ultimately corrupted contenders and numerous undocumented aliens across the universe. The second one is Ultraman Saga with three hosts, Ultraman Tiga also with three and the third is Ultraman Zero with two human host with his father Ultraseven who had two hosts and a human form.
  • Nexus is the only Ultra who has an alternate form that is considered a completely different Ultra. This Ultra, Noa is considered a Super Ultra, an Ultra with power of above the rest that they seem 'over powered'. These include Father of Ultra, Ultraman King and all the fusion Ultras in the series. Noa's power is later bestowed on the young Ultraman Zero who is arguably one of if not the strongest of normal ultras.
  • His alternate form is also his true identity.
  • Though Nexus is stated to not have the three minutes-rule that most Ultras have, a similar rules exists when Phase Shift Wave is used. This is because using the Meta-Field puts considerable strain on the Deunamist's body, after three minutes they will become tired. This was not a problem for the second Deunamist.
Related Post : Source : ultra-wikia
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